Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Resolution

Well, as resolutions swirled around my head like glitter in a snow globe, I waited till the sparkles settled and ended up with an idea that can evolve and change as much as this artist brain of mine.
I'm calling it The Global Tree.
I've got a special place in my heart for the economic, environmental, green design that stems from the concept of sustainability. I'm still trying to figure out how I can fit into the new trends but I thought I'd start by combining the idea of design, interactive contribution and continued global awareness, with a new project. So I drew a tree ,and I'm going to add a new leaf a day(each a unique shade of green) that is sampled from a global photo that I find on Flickr. As the project moves along, I'll add sustainability projects from various parts of the world that go with the photos.
I think I'm gonna have fun with this one....

ok, I'll still write 200 words a day, pull out my sketchbook at every meal, and get more exercise.maybe.


lucy said...

oh my...I LOVE your resolution! what a fabulous idea and such a creative inspiration. you have something brilliant here miss.